Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Climb

I'm pretty sure every climb I've ever done has started the same way. It doesn't seem to matter if its a 60 foot sport climb, a 2000 foot big wall or a daunting 200 foot ice climb. At first I gaze in awe and sometimes trepidation at the cliff that awaits. Then narrow my vision to find the general area of the route that will hopefully get me to the top. My vision narrows more to scope out the difficulties and the possible rest spots and belay ledges. Now to find the start, and where the first pitch may end. A more detailed looks as to where my first piece of climbing protection may be. Rope up. Rack up. Chalk up. On Belay. Find the first foothold, the first handhold. And most importantly, find the

Finding the groove was easy today. DeeDee, Ed, Ben and I went out to the small cliff we developed in the Oasis Primer Agua arroyo. The day was perfect, sunny skies, comfortable temperature and a slight breeze. A curious young heffer and steer followed us up the arroyo and watched us climb for several hours. They seemed disappointed when we left. As always it felt good to be on the rock again.
On the way out we met two local couples who had just completed one of the hikes in our guidebook. They enjoyed it and thanked us repeatedly for writing he book. We recommended several more hikes that they may enjoy, and made tentative plans to get together for cards.
Life in Loreto can be one continuous social gathering, and what's wrong with that?

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